The Love Your Career Again Blog

for intuitive women & life coaches who want meaning-aligned careers they love

Have You Uncovered Your Sacred Work as a Coach?

Uncategorized Jan 28, 2022

Congratulations! You’ve finished your coach training program. But now what?

Most of the advice you get after life coach training is that your next step is to choose a profitable niche, create a high ticket program, set up your website and online marketing system, and start getting in as many clients as possible so you can replace your income & make six figures in your first year of business. 

I disagree. In fact, I believe that this approach is the reason why so many purpose & meaning driven new coaches NEVER get their important work out into the world.

Why? Because as a new coach, you likely first need to:

1. Align your coaching practice with your purpose & soul’s niche (the niche that is connected to your purpose).

Not every life coach is primarily motivated by purpose, but when you are - it means that you NEED to do work that feels personally meaningful or you suffer. And as a coach, this mean’s aligning everything about your coaching practice around your purpose and soul’s n...

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The Key to Your Soul's Niche? Remember Who You Really Are.

Uncategorized May 05, 2021

You’ve spent too many years to count in a corporate job that slowly sucked the life out of you. Now, you’ve completed coach training and you’re ready to finally do what you love, finally get your important work out into the world.

But you’re stuck. You might think you’re stuck because you can’t figure out your purpose…

Or because you can’t get the messaging right for your website…

Or because you don’t know your niche…

Or because you hate marketing…

Or because you can’t identify your one perfect job.

But maybe the real reason you’re stuck is because after so many years in the corporate world, you’ve lost sight of who you really are. And when you’re not connected to who you are – it’s nearly impossible to create work you love. Which keeps you stuck in a job you hate. Which keeps the world from experiencing your true gifts.

And you might not even know this has happened. But when you’ve spent so much time being someone else at work in order to fit the corporate mold, it’s easy to

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Why You Shouldn't Make $100K in Your First Year as a Coach

Uncategorized Oct 22, 2020

I know this is a bit of a controversial subject. Especially with all those messages out there about how you should be able to make $100k in your first year as a coach.

And I’m not saying it’s not possible. It absolutely is.

Especially if you’ve run a business before, have a background in business & marketing or come from a sales-oriented background.

Especially if your new coaching business is directly related to what you did before in your business or career.

Especially if you’re clear on your purpose – and know right now exactly who you want to help and how.

Especially if you’ve logged many hours coaching & are super comfortable & confident in your abilities.

Even more possible if it’s all four of the above.

But what if you don’t have a background in business & marketing? What if you’ve never run a business before? What if you know you want to be a coach – but aren’t quite sure yet on your niche for all time? What if you’re still gaining confidence in your coaching skills?


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Why Building Your Business Like a “Typical” Entrepreneur Doesn’t Work for Most Life Coaches

Uncategorized Oct 22, 2020
If you’re a new life coach or heart-centered entrepreneur, who has left (or is leaving) your career to start a passion-based business you love for the first time – then you likely aren’t a typical entrepreneur.

The Oxford dictionary defines an entrepreneur as: “A person who sets up a business or businesses, taking on financial risks in the hope of profit.”

Does that sound like you? Probably not.

Typical entrepreneurs tend to have a passion for entrepreneurship and business building in and of itself, and their main motivation for being in business is money & growth.

Typical entrepreneurs also tend to already be well-versed in business & marketing, and have likely come from careers related to sales, finance or marketing – or have already run previous businesses.

Heart-centered entrepreneurs tend to be a bit different in three key ways:

  1. Their main motivation for being in business isn’t money or growth. Instead, their primary motivation is connected to their purpose – the t
  2. ...
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Are You Living Someone Else's Career?

Uncategorized Oct 22, 2020

Have you spent your life trying to mold yourself into the person you think you “should” be at work or in your business? Do you often feel like a fraud or an imposter because you’re constantly trying to be “good enough”, please people, and figure out the “right & expected” way to do things? Have you sacrificed your core values in order serve your fears or make “enough” money to feel safe?

Do you secretly long to just be yourself & do things your way– but don’t feel like you can because something about who you are or how your work is “wrong” or “flawed”?  Is this preventing you from truly building a career or business you love?

Are you are so very tired of pretending to be happy when you’re really, really not – and so deeply exhausted by constantly trying to be someone other than who you are?

The reality is that we are all born into this world with a unique set of talents, gifts, and genius.

But then along the way stuff happens. Our families happen. School happens. Culture & societal...

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